Friday, April 29, 2011

April 25, 2011

The MTC is going well. The days are long and hard, but it is so worth it. Thats awesome that case loved the water park. He is going to be so big when i get home. You need to send me some pics really soon. Please send me your address so i cant write you, because im techinically not supposed to email anyone but mom and dad. I love you all.

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Lizzy Cox <> wrote:
hey sammy,

how's it going? how was your easter? devon and i had to talk in church so we didn't get to go home, but had some people over dinner.

how is the mtc? good food? devon and i are starting a diet today and i already want to quit. i'm hungry!!!

case is doing well. getting taller and taller. he started saying JESUS today which is pretty cute. he can also "MOO"! everything moo's! ducks, horses, deer, etc. it's pretty funny, but he's a great mooer!

this last friday we went to kellogg and went to the indoor water park. case wasn't too sure at first but ended up loving it. he went on every slide! i tried the surfing thing and fell so hard. i still can't move my neck normal yet.

hope you are doing well. we love you! thanks for being such a great example.

love, the cox family