Thursday, May 5, 2011

Letter from Dad

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Kim & Sue Mellor <> wrote:
Hey Elder Mellor,
    I hope I'm writing this early enough for you to get it today.  We just got in from Auburn last night and basically spent two days in airports.  It was fun to see Lauren and you know how much I like to keep up on all the fashion trends.  How's the spanish.  I'm jealous that I'm not learning it with you.  I did manage to draw out the timber frame garden shed on the airplane so hopefully we can get it framed this summer.  Not much else is new here except as you know its mom's birthday and tomorrow we are driving to Seattle for Malia's wedding.  Can't believe how fast everything is going. You're half way through the MTC.  Have you heard whether or not there are any problems with visa's going into Argentina.
   Well, I've got patients waiting so gotta go.  Keep up the good work.  I'm proud of you.     DAD

How was the trip to auburn. Tell lauren she needs to write me. Dad that is pretty awesome about the garden shed. You definitely need to send me picture. And liv needs to hurry up on that picture album for me.
This week was pretty great. We got a new teacher named Hermano Chandler, because Hermana Carlson graduated and you cant teach at the MTC unless you are a student. Hermano Chandler is really great though. He is exactly opposite personality wise from Hermano Wells, which is really nice because i couldnt handle six hours of just hermano well. On saturday we woke up to about three inches of snow. Elder Gifford from Vegas was pretty excited, but it all melted by about noon. We had a substitue teacher named Hermano Jimenez. He is from Mexico. He taught us alot about Latin-American culture and things we should and shouldn't do while we are there. One interesting thing was how we say "i'm sorry" so much in America. We say it for everything, even if we don't mean it, and it has really lost its meaning a lot of the time. In Latin America they will only say it if it is something serious or that they really feel sorry about, which i thought was cool. Sunday was fast sunday. It was really great even though i was starving all day. We spent the whole morning writing our talks for church, because we have to write one even for fast sunday. Than we had mission conference instead of priesthood. It was really good, but really long so i  fell asleep a few times. The presidency talked a lot about internet safety, which i think is a precursor to them giving laptops to missionaries in the near future. Fast and Testimony was really good. Everyone gave powerful testimonies, mostly about the atonement. Then we had our temple walk. That night we had President and Sister Bertasso of one of the District presidencies speak to us. THey talked alot about how the lord will answer our prayers, whether they be big or small. I love sunday nights because we get to watch movies. We watched Mountain of the Lord which was about building the Salt Lake Temple. It is a really great movie. Nothing really happened on Monday except that night Elders Harris, White, and Robinson locked themselves out of their room . I learned that night that you can open a door with an envelope, dental floss, a hanger, and a vacuum. Tuesday night Devotional was given by Elder Stephen G. Wells of the Seventy. He talked a lot about faith as missionaries. And on Wednesday morning we had our third TRC. We taught an Older lady named Sister Gonzales. She was nice but pretty tough on us, which was good. I am loving the MTC and the mission. It is not always easy, but i know it will be worth it. I really learned a lot about the atonement this last week. It made me think that Christ has already atoned for all of our sins. Now it is our job as missionaries to make sure that all of those drops of blood he shed will be taken advantage of. I am loving the gospel more and more every day, and i am excited for the next two year. I love you all so much

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